{ lib, inputs, config, ... }: let ## Recursive loading of libraries, similar to snowfall lib. ## Logical flow: read files => merge all file outputs to single attr. set ## The directory in question is flake-root => lib ## The directory structure is: ## lib/ ## => libname ## => default.nix ## => libname2 ## => default.nix ## ## The structure of multiple libs is simply for organization and the attrs. of all default.nix files should still be merged ## into a single set. loadLibs = directory: builtins.foldl' (acc: name: let path = "${directory}/${name}"; isDir = (builtins.getAttr name (builtins.readDir directory)) == "directory"; in if isDir then lib.mergeAttrs acc (loadLibs path) else if name == "default.nix" then lib.mergeAttrs acc (import path { inherit lib; }) else acc ) {} (builtins.attrNames (builtins.readDir directory)); in { # Overwrite and add new arguments to all flake modules. _module.args = { namespace = config.flake.namespace; puzzlelib = loadLibs ../../lib; # Initialize nixpkgs instance with custom overlays. pkgs = import inputs.nixpkgs { overlays = [ (final: prev: { # Todo: actually append overlays from "/overlays/overlay-name/default.nix" files. }) ]; }; }; }