{ lib, namespace, config, host, ... }: with lib; with lib.${namespace}; let cfg = config.${namespace}.services.homepage; homepageConfigDirectory = lib.snowfall.fs.get-file "resources/services/homepage"; in { options.${namespace}.services.homepage = { enable = mkEnableOption "Enable Homepage, an intuitive dashboard for your services."; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [ "d /var/lib/containers/homepage 0700 root root -" "d /var/lib/containers/homepage/config 0700 root root -" "d /var/lib/containers/homepage/images 0755 root root -" ]; # Copy files from homepageConfigDirectory to the target directory system.activationScripts.homepage = '' cp -r ${homepageConfigDirectory}/* /var/lib/containers/homepage/ ''; virtualisation.oci-containers.containers.homepage = { image = "ghcr.io/gethomepage/homepage:latest"; autoStart = true; hostname = host; labels = { "traefik.enable" = "true"; "traefik.http.routers.homepage.entrypoints" = "websecure"; "traefik.http.routers.homepage.rule" = "Host(`home.thevoid.cafe`)"; "traefik.http.services.homepage.loadbalancer.server.port" = "3000"; }; volumes = [ "/var/lib/containers/homepage/config:/app/config:rw" "/var/lib/containers/homepage/images:/app/public/images:rw" "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro" # Optional, used for docker integration. ]; extraOptions = ["--network=proxy"]; }; }; }