{ lib, pkgs, inputs, namespace, # The flake namespace, set in flake.nix. If not set, defaults to "internal". system, target, # The Snowfall Lib target for this home (eg. `x86_64-home`). format, # A normalized name for the home target (eg. `home`). virtual, # A boolean to determine whether this home is a virtual target using nixos-generators. host, # The host name for this home. config, ... }: { gtk = { enable = true; font = { name = "Cantarell"; size = 12; package = pkgs.cantarell-fonts; }; catppuccin = { icon = { enable = true; accent = "blue"; flavor = "frappe"; }; }; theme = { name = "Colloid-Dark-Catppuccin"; package = pkgs.colloid-gtk-theme.override { themeVariants = ["default"]; colorVariants = ["dark"]; sizeVariants = ["standard"]; tweaks = ["catppuccin"]; }; }; }; dconf.settings = { "org/gnome/desktop/background" = { picture-uri = lib.snowfall.fs.get-file "resources/wallpapers/pond_sidewalk_dusk.jpg"; picture-uri-dark = lib.snowfall.fs.get-file "resources/wallpapers/pond_sidewalk_dusk.jpg"; }; "org/gnome/shell/extensions/user-theme" = { name = "Colloid-Dark-Catppuccin"; }; "/org/gnome/desktop/interface" = { color-scheme = "prefer-dark"; cursor-theme = "catppuccin-frappe-blue-cursors"; }; }; }