{ lib, pkgs, inputs, namespace, # The flake namespace, set in flake.nix. If not set, defaults to "internal". home, # The home architecture for this host (eg. `x86_64-linux`). target, # The Snowfall Lib target for this home (eg. `x86_64-home`). format, # A normalized name for the home target (eg. `home`). virtual, # A boolean to determine whether this home is a virtual target using nixos-generators. host, # The host name for this home. config, ... }: { home.packages = with pkgs.gnomeExtensions; [ dash-to-dock user-themes blur-my-shell appindicator unite color-picker ]; # Use `dconf watch /` to track stateful changes you are doing, then set them here. dconf.settings = { "org/gnome/desktop/background" = { picture-uri = lib.snowfall.fs.get-file "resources/wallpapers/maid_in_forest_with_lantern.jpg"; picture-uri-dark = lib.snowfall.fs.get-file "resources/wallpapers/maid_in_forest_with_lantern.jpg"; }; "org/gnome/shell" = { favorite-apps = [ "org.gnome.Nautilus.desktop" "firefox.desktop" "spotify.desktop" "phpstorm.desktop" ]; enabled-extensions = [ "user-theme@gnome-shell-extensions.gcampax.github.com" "dash-to-dock@micxgx.gmail.com" "blur-my-shell@aunetx" "appindicatorsupport@rgcjonas.gmail.com" "unite@hardpixel.eu" "color-picker@tuberry" ]; }; "org/gnome/desktop/wm/preferences" = { workspace-names = [ "Main" ]; }; "org/gnome/shell/extensions/unite" = { use-activities-text = false; extend-left-box = false; reduce-panel-spacing = false; window-buttons-placement = "first"; show-legacy-tray = false; show-appmenu-button = false; show-desktop-name = false; enable-titlebar-actions = false; restrict-to-primary-screen = true; hide-activities-button = "never"; hide-window-titlebars = "maximized"; show-window-title = false; autofocus-windows = true; show-window-buttons = "maximized"; notifications-position = "right"; window-buttons-theme = "catppuccin"; }; }; }