mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 15:51:32 +01:00
service/cfg: Separate out config block defaults and create when not found. (#6716)
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 405 additions and 362 deletions
@ -255,6 +255,8 @@ add_library(citra_core STATIC
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#include "core/hle/ipc_helpers.h"
#include "core/hle/ipc_helpers.h"
#include "core/hle/result.h"
#include "core/hle/result.h"
#include "core/hle/service/cfg/cfg.h"
#include "core/hle/service/cfg/cfg.h"
#include "core/hle/service/cfg/cfg_defaults.h"
#include "core/hle/service/cfg/cfg_i.h"
#include "core/hle/service/cfg/cfg_i.h"
#include "core/hle/service/cfg/cfg_nor.h"
#include "core/hle/service/cfg/cfg_nor.h"
#include "core/hle/service/cfg/cfg_s.h"
#include "core/hle/service/cfg/cfg_s.h"
@ -45,6 +46,15 @@ constexpr u32 CONFIG_FILE_MAX_BLOCK_ENTRIES = 1479;
namespace {
namespace {
/// Block header in the config savedata file
struct SaveConfigBlockEntry {
u32 block_id; ///< The id of the current block
u32 offset_or_data; ///< This is the absolute offset to the block data if the size is greater
/// than 4 bytes, otherwise it contains the data itself
u16 size; ///< The size of the block
AccessFlag access_flags; ///< The access control flags of the block
* The header of the config savedata file,
* The header of the config savedata file,
* contains information about the blocks in the file
* contains information about the blocks in the file
@ -61,140 +71,68 @@ struct SaveFileConfig {
static_assert(sizeof(SaveFileConfig) == 0x455C,
static_assert(sizeof(SaveFileConfig) == 0x455C,
"SaveFileConfig header must be exactly 0x455C bytes");
"SaveFileConfig header must be exactly 0x455C bytes");
enum ConfigBlockID {
ConfigSavegameVersionBlockID = 0x00000000, // Maybe?
RtcCompensationBlockID = 0x00010000,
AudioCalibrationBlockID = 0x00020000,
LeapYearCounterBlockID = 0x00030000,
UserTimeOffsetBlockID = 0x00030001,
SettingsTimeOffsetBlockID = 0x00030002,
TouchCalibrationBlockID = 0x00040000,
AnalogStickCalibrationBlockID = 0x00040001, // Maybe?
GyroscopeCalibrationBlockID = 0x00040002,
AccelerometerCalibrationBlockID = 0x00040003,
CStickCalibrationBlockID = 0x00040004,
ScreenFlickerCalibrationBlockID = 0x00050000,
BacklightControlsBlockID = 0x00050001,
BacklightPwmCalibrationBlockID = 0x00050002,
PowerSavingModeCalibrationBlockID = 0x00050003,
PowerSavingModeCalibrationLegacyBlockID = 0x00050004,
StereoCameraSettingsBlockID = 0x00050005,
_3dSwitchingDelayBlockID = 0x00050006,
Unknown_0x00050007 = 0x00050007,
PowerSavingModeExtraConfigBlockID = 0x00050008,
BacklightControlNew3dsBlockID = 0x00050009,
Unknown_0x00060000 = 0x00060000,
_3dFiltersBlockID = 0x00070000,
SoundOutputModeBlockID = 0x00070001,
MicrophoneEchoCancellationBlockID = 0x00070002,
WifiConfigurationSlot0BlockID = 0x00080000,
WifiConfigurationSlot1BlockID = 0x00080001,
WifiConfigurationSlot2BlockID = 0x00080002,
ConsoleUniqueID1BlockID = 0x00090000,
ConsoleUniqueID2BlockID = 0x00090001,
ConsoleUniqueID3BlockID = 0x00090002,
UsernameBlockID = 0x000A0000,
BirthdayBlockID = 0x000A0001,
LanguageBlockID = 0x000A0002,
CountryInfoBlockID = 0x000B0000,
CountryNameBlockID = 0x000B0001,
StateNameBlockID = 0x000B0002,
LatitudeLongitudeBlockID = 0x000B0003,
RestrictedPhotoExchangeBlockID = 0x000C0000,
CoppacsRestrictionBlockID = 0x000C0001,
ParentalRestrictionEmailBlockID = 0x000C0002,
EULAVersionBlockID = 0x000D0000,
Unknown_0x000E0000 = 0x000E0000,
DebugConfigurationBlockID = 0x000F0000,
Unknown_0x000F0001 = 0x000F0001,
Unknown_0x000F0003 = 0x000F0003,
ConsoleModelBlockID = 0x000F0004,
NetworkUpdatesEnabledBlockID = 0x000F0005,
XDeviceTokenBlockID = 0x000F0006,
TwlEulaInfoBlockID = 0x00100000,
TwlParentalRestrictionsBlockID = 0x00100001,
TwlCountryCodeBlockID = 0x00100002,
TwlMovableUniqueBlockIDBlockID = 0x00100003,
SystemSetupRequiredBlockID = 0x00110000,
LaunchMenuBlockID = 0x00110001,
VolumeSliderBoundsBlockID = 0x00120000,
DebugModeBlockID = 0x00130000,
ClockSequenceBlockID = 0x00150000,
Unknown_0x00150001 = 0x00150001,
NpnsUrlID = 0x00150002, // Maybe? 3dbrew documentation is weirdly written.
Unknown_0x00160000 = 0x00160000,
MiiverseAccessKeyBlockID = 0x00170000,
QtmInfraredLedRelatedBlockID = 0x00180000,
QtmCalibrationDataBlockID = 0x00180001,
Unknown_0x00190000 = 0x00190000,
struct UsernameBlock {
char16_t username[10]; ///< Exactly 20 bytes long, padded with zeros at the end if necessary
u32 zero;
u32 ng_word;
static_assert(sizeof(UsernameBlock) == 0x1C, "UsernameBlock must be exactly 0x1C bytes");
struct BirthdayBlock {
u8 month; ///< The month of the birthday
u8 day; ///< The day of the birthday
static_assert(sizeof(BirthdayBlock) == 2, "BirthdayBlock must be exactly 2 bytes");
struct ConsoleModelInfo {
u8 model; ///< The console model (3DS, 2DS, etc)
u8 unknown[3]; ///< Unknown data
static_assert(sizeof(ConsoleModelInfo) == 4, "ConsoleModelInfo must be exactly 4 bytes");
struct ConsoleCountryInfo {
u8 unknown[2]; ///< Unknown data
u8 state_code; ///< The state or province code.
u8 country_code; ///< The country code of the console
static_assert(sizeof(ConsoleCountryInfo) == 4, "ConsoleCountryInfo must be exactly 4 bytes");
struct BacklightControls {
u8 power_saving_enabled; ///< Whether power saving mode is enabled.
u8 brightness_level; ///< The configured brightness level.
static_assert(sizeof(BacklightControls) == 2, "BacklightControls must be exactly 2 bytes");
struct New3dsBacklightControls {
u8 unknown_1[4]; ///< Unknown data
u8 auto_brightness_enabled; ///< Whether auto brightness is enabled.
u8 unknown_2[3]; ///< Unknown data
static_assert(sizeof(New3dsBacklightControls) == 8,
"New3dsBacklightControls must be exactly 8 bytes");
} // namespace
} // namespace
constexpr EULAVersion MAX_EULA_VERSION{0x7F, 0x7F};
static constexpr u16 C(const char code[2]) {
constexpr ConsoleModelInfo CONSOLE_MODEL_OLD{NINTENDO_3DS_XL, {0, 0, 0}};
return code[0] | (code[1] << 8);
[[maybe_unused]] constexpr ConsoleModelInfo CONSOLE_MODEL_NEW{NEW_NINTENDO_3DS_XL, {0, 0, 0}};
constexpr UsernameBlock CONSOLE_USERNAME_BLOCK{u"CITRA", 0, 0};
constexpr BirthdayBlock PROFILE_BIRTHDAY{3, 25}; // March 25th, 2014
constexpr u8 UNITED_STATES_COUNTRY_ID = 49;
constexpr u8 WASHINGTON_DC_STATE_ID = 2;
/// TODO(Subv): Find what the other bytes are
constexpr BacklightControls BACKLIGHT_CONTROLS{0, 2};
constexpr New3dsBacklightControls NEW_3DS_BACKLIGHT_CONTROLS{{0, 0, 0, 0}, 0, {0, 0, 0}};
static const std::array<u16, 187> country_codes = {{
* TODO(Subv): Find out what this actually is, these values fix some NaN uniforms in some games,
0, C("JP"), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 0-7
* for example Nintendo Zone
C("AI"), C("AG"), C("AR"), C("AW"), C("BS"), C("BB"), C("BZ"), C("BO"), // 8-15
* Thanks Normmatt for providing this information
C("BR"), C("VG"), C("CA"), C("KY"), C("CL"), C("CO"), C("CR"), C("DM"), // 16-23
C("DO"), C("EC"), C("SV"), C("GF"), C("GD"), C("GP"), C("GT"), C("GY"), // 24-31
constexpr std::array<float, 8> STEREO_CAMERA_SETTINGS = {
C("HT"), C("HN"), C("JM"), C("MQ"), C("MX"), C("MS"), C("AN"), C("NI"), // 32-39
62.0f, 289.0f, 76.80000305175781f, 46.08000183105469f,
C("PA"), C("PY"), C("PE"), C("KN"), C("LC"), C("VC"), C("SR"), C("TT"), // 40-47
10.0f, 5.0f, 55.58000183105469f, 21.56999969482422f,
C("TC"), C("US"), C("UY"), C("VI"), C("VE"), 0, 0, 0, // 48-55
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 56-63
static_assert(sizeof(STEREO_CAMERA_SETTINGS) == 0x20,
C("AL"), C("AU"), C("AT"), C("BE"), C("BA"), C("BW"), C("BG"), C("HR"), // 64-71
"STEREO_CAMERA_SETTINGS must be exactly 0x20 bytes");
C("CY"), C("CZ"), C("DK"), C("EE"), C("FI"), C("FR"), C("DE"), C("GR"), // 72-79
C("HU"), C("IS"), C("IE"), C("IT"), C("LV"), C("LS"), C("LI"), C("LT"), // 80-87
C("LU"), C("MK"), C("MT"), C("ME"), C("MZ"), C("NA"), C("NL"), C("NZ"), // 88-95
C("NO"), C("PL"), C("PT"), C("RO"), C("RU"), C("RS"), C("SK"), C("SI"), // 96-103
C("ZA"), C("ES"), C("SZ"), C("SE"), C("CH"), C("TR"), C("GB"), C("ZM"), // 104-111
C("ZW"), C("AZ"), C("MR"), C("ML"), C("NE"), C("TD"), C("SD"), C("ER"), // 112-119
C("DJ"), C("SO"), C("AD"), C("GI"), C("GG"), C("IM"), C("JE"), C("MC"), // 120-127
C("TW"), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 128-135
C("KR"), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 136-143
C("HK"), C("MO"), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 144-151
C("ID"), C("SG"), C("TH"), C("PH"), C("MY"), 0, 0, 0, // 152-159
C("CN"), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 160-167
C("AE"), C("IN"), C("EG"), C("OM"), C("QA"), C("KW"), C("SA"), C("SY"), // 168-175
C("BH"), C("JO"), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 176-183
C("SM"), C("VA"), C("BM"), // 184-186
// Based on PKHeX's lists of subregions at
// https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/tree/master/PKHeX.Core/Resources/text/locale3DS/subregions
static const std::array<u8, 187> default_subregion = {{
0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 0-7
1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, // 8-15
2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, // 16-23
2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, // 24-31
2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, // 32-39
2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, // 40-47
1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, // 48-55
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 56-63
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 6, // 64-71
1, 2, 18, 1, 8, 2, 2, 2, // 72-79
2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, // 80-87
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, // 88-95
7, 2, 2, 2, 9, 1, 2, 1, // 96-103
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, // 104-111
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 112-119
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 120-127
2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 128-135
2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 136-143
1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 144-151
0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, // 152-159
2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 160-167
2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, // 168-175
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 176-183
1, 1, 1, // 184-186
std::array<u8, 2> unknown;
constexpr std::array<u8, 8> cfg_system_savedata_id{
constexpr std::array<u8, 8> cfg_system_savedata_id{
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x17, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x17, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
@ -418,11 +356,38 @@ ResultVal<void*> Module::GetConfigBlockPointer(u32 block_id, u32 size, AccessFla
[&](const SaveConfigBlockEntry& entry) { return entry.block_id == block_id; });
[&](const SaveConfigBlockEntry& entry) { return entry.block_id == block_id; });
if (itr == std::end(config->block_entries)) {
if (itr == std::end(config->block_entries)) {
LOG_ERROR(Service_CFG, "Config block 0x{:X} with flags {} and size {} was not found",
if (HasDefaultConfigBlock(static_cast<ConfigBlockID>(block_id))) {
"Config block 0x{:X} with flags {} and size {} was not found, creating "
"from defaults.",
block_id, accesss_flag, size);
auto default_block = GetDefaultConfigBlock(static_cast<ConfigBlockID>(block_id));
auto result = CreateConfigBlock(block_id, static_cast<u16>(default_block.data.size()),
default_block.access_flags, default_block.data.data());
if (!result.IsSuccess()) {
"Failed to create config block 0x{:X} from defaults: 0x{:08X}", block_id,
return result;
result = UpdateConfigNANDSavegame();
if (!result.IsSuccess()) {
LOG_ERROR(Service_CFG, "Failed to save updated config savegame: 0x{:08X}",
return result;
itr = std::find_if(
std::begin(config->block_entries), std::end(config->block_entries),
[&](const SaveConfigBlockEntry& entry) { return entry.block_id == block_id; });
} else {
"Config block 0x{:X} with flags {} and size {} was not found, and no default "
block_id, accesss_flag, size);
block_id, accesss_flag, size);
return ResultCode(ErrorDescription::NotFound, ErrorModule::Config,
return ResultCode(ErrorDescription::NotFound, ErrorModule::Config,
ErrorSummary::WrongArgument, ErrorLevel::Permanent);
ErrorSummary::WrongArgument, ErrorLevel::Permanent);
if (False(itr->access_flags & accesss_flag)) {
if (False(itr->access_flags & accesss_flag)) {
LOG_ERROR(Service_CFG, "Invalid access flag {:X} for config block 0x{:X} with size {}",
LOG_ERROR(Service_CFG, "Invalid access flag {:X} for config block 0x{:X} with size {}",
@ -532,160 +497,26 @@ ResultCode Module::FormatConfig() {
// This value is hardcoded, taken from 3dbrew, verified by hardware, it's always the same value
// This value is hardcoded, taken from 3dbrew, verified by hardware, it's always the same value
config->data_entries_offset = 0x455C;
config->data_entries_offset = 0x455C;
// Insert the default blocks
// Fill the config with default block data.
u8 zero_buffer[0xC0] = {};
auto default_blocks = GetDefaultConfigBlocks();
for (auto& entry : default_blocks) {
// 0x00030001 - User time offset (Read by CECD): displayed timestamp - RTC timestamp
res = CreateConfigBlock(entry.first, static_cast<u16>(entry.second.data.size()),
res = CreateConfigBlock(UserTimeOffsetBlockID, 0x8, AccessFlag::Global, zero_buffer);
entry.second.access_flags, entry.second.data.data());
if (!res.IsSuccess())
if (!res.IsSuccess()) {
return res;
return res;
// 0x00050001 - Backlight controls
res = CreateConfigBlock(BacklightControlsBlockID, sizeof(BACKLIGHT_CONTROLS),
AccessFlag::System, &BACKLIGHT_CONTROLS);
if (!res.IsSuccess())
return res;
res = CreateConfigBlock(StereoCameraSettingsBlockID, sizeof(STEREO_CAMERA_SETTINGS),
AccessFlag::Global, STEREO_CAMERA_SETTINGS.data());
if (!res.IsSuccess())
return res;
// 0x00050009 - New 3DS backlight controls
res = CreateConfigBlock(BacklightControlNew3dsBlockID, sizeof(NEW_3DS_BACKLIGHT_CONTROLS),
if (!res.IsSuccess())
return res;
res = CreateConfigBlock(SoundOutputModeBlockID, sizeof(SOUND_OUTPUT_MODE), AccessFlag::Global,
if (!res.IsSuccess())
return res;
const auto [random_number, console_id] = GenerateConsoleUniqueId();
u64_le console_id_le = console_id;
res = CreateConfigBlock(ConsoleUniqueID1BlockID, sizeof(console_id_le), AccessFlag::Global,
if (!res.IsSuccess())
return res;
res = CreateConfigBlock(ConsoleUniqueID2BlockID, sizeof(console_id_le), AccessFlag::Global,
if (!res.IsSuccess())
return res;
u32_le random_number_le = random_number;
res = CreateConfigBlock(ConsoleUniqueID3BlockID, sizeof(random_number_le), AccessFlag::Global,
if (!res.IsSuccess())
return res;
res = CreateConfigBlock(UsernameBlockID, sizeof(CONSOLE_USERNAME_BLOCK), AccessFlag::Global,
if (!res.IsSuccess())
return res;
res = CreateConfigBlock(BirthdayBlockID, sizeof(PROFILE_BIRTHDAY), AccessFlag::Global,
if (!res.IsSuccess())
return res;
res = CreateConfigBlock(LanguageBlockID, sizeof(CONSOLE_LANGUAGE), AccessFlag::Global,
if (!res.IsSuccess())
return res;
res = CreateConfigBlock(CountryInfoBlockID, sizeof(COUNTRY_INFO), AccessFlag::Global,
if (!res.IsSuccess())
return res;
u16_le country_name_buffer[16][0x40] = {};
std::u16string region_name = Common::UTF8ToUTF16("Gensokyo");
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
std::copy(region_name.cbegin(), region_name.cend(), country_name_buffer[i]);
// 0x000B0001 - Localized names for the profile Country
res = CreateConfigBlock(CountryNameBlockID, sizeof(country_name_buffer), AccessFlag::Global,
if (!res.IsSuccess())
return res;
// 0x000B0002 - Localized names for the profile State/Province
// Generate a new console unique ID.
res = CreateConfigBlock(StateNameBlockID, sizeof(country_name_buffer), AccessFlag::Global,
const auto [random_number, console_id] = GenerateConsoleUniqueId();
SetConsoleUniqueId(random_number, console_id);
if (!res.IsSuccess())
return res;
// 0x000B0003 - Coordinates. A pair of s16 represents latitude and longitude, respectively. One
// need to multiply both value by 180/32768 to get coordinates in degrees
res = CreateConfigBlock(LatitudeLongitudeBlockID, 0x4, AccessFlag::Global, zero_buffer);
if (!res.IsSuccess())
return res;
// 0x000C0000 - Restricted photo exchange data, and other info (includes a mirror of Parental
// Restrictions PIN/Secret Answer)
res = CreateConfigBlock(RestrictedPhotoExchangeBlockID, 0xC0, AccessFlag::Global, zero_buffer);
if (!res.IsSuccess())
return res;
// 0x000C0001 - COPPACS restriction data
res = CreateConfigBlock(CoppacsRestrictionBlockID, 0x14, AccessFlag::Global, zero_buffer);
if (!res.IsSuccess())
return res;
// 0x000D0000 - Accepted EULA version
u32_le data = MAX_EULA_VERSION.minor + (MAX_EULA_VERSION.major << 8);
res = CreateConfigBlock(EULAVersionBlockID, sizeof(data), AccessFlag::Global, &data);
if (!res.IsSuccess())
return res;
u8 unknown_data = 0;
res = CreateConfigBlock(Unknown_0x000E0000, sizeof(unknown_data), AccessFlag::Global,
if (!res.IsSuccess())
return res;
res = CreateConfigBlock(ConsoleModelBlockID, sizeof(CONSOLE_MODEL_OLD), AccessFlag::System,
if (!res.IsSuccess())
return res;
// 0x000F0006 - In NIM, taken as a (hopefully null terminated) string used for the
// "X-Device-Token" http header field for NPNS url.
res = CreateConfigBlock(XDeviceTokenBlockID, 0x28, AccessFlag::System, zero_buffer);
if (!res.IsSuccess())
return res;
// 0x00110000 - The low u16 indicates whether the system setup is required, such as when the
// system is booted for the first time or after doing a System Format: 0 = setup required,
// non-zero = no setup required
u32 system_setup_flag = 1;
res =
CreateConfigBlock(SystemSetupRequiredBlockID, 0x4, AccessFlag::System, &system_setup_flag);
if (!res.IsSuccess())
return res;
// 0x00130000 - DebugMode (0x100 for debug mode)
res = CreateConfigBlock(DebugModeBlockID, 0x4, AccessFlag::Global, zero_buffer);
if (!res.IsSuccess())
return res;
// 0x00160000 - Unknown, first byte is used by config service-cmd 0x00070040.
res = CreateConfigBlock(0x00160000, 0x4, AccessFlag::Global, zero_buffer);
if (!res.IsSuccess())
return res;
// 0x00170000 - Miiverse (OLV) access key
res = CreateConfigBlock(MiiverseAccessKeyBlockID, 0x4, AccessFlag::Global, zero_buffer);
if (!res.IsSuccess())
return res;
// Save the buffer to the file
// Save the buffer to the file
res = UpdateConfigNANDSavegame();
res = UpdateConfigNANDSavegame();
if (!res.IsSuccess())
if (!res.IsSuccess()) {
return res;
return res;
@ -729,12 +560,13 @@ ResultCode Module::LoadConfigNANDSaveFile() {
Module::Module() {
Module::Module() {
// Check the config savegame EULA Version and update it to 0x7F7F if necessary
// Check the config savegame EULA Version and update it to 0x7F7F if necessary
// so users will never get a promt to accept EULA
// so users will never get a prompt to accept EULA
EULAVersion version = GetEULAVersion();
auto version = GetEULAVersion();
if (version.major != MAX_EULA_VERSION.major || version.minor != MAX_EULA_VERSION.minor) {
auto& default_version = GetDefaultEULAVersion();
LOG_INFO(Service_CFG, "Updating accepted EULA version to {}.{}", MAX_EULA_VERSION.major,
if (version.major != default_version.major || version.minor != default_version.minor) {
LOG_INFO(Service_CFG, "Updating accepted EULA version to {}.{}", default_version.major,
@ -796,7 +628,7 @@ void Module::SetPreferredRegionCodes(std::span<const u32> region_codes) {
void Module::SetUsername(const std::u16string& name) {
void Module::SetUsername(const std::u16string& name) {
ASSERT(name.size() <= 10);
ASSERT(name.size() <= 10);
UsernameBlock block{};
UsernameBlock block{};
name.copy(block.username, name.size());
name.copy(block.username.data(), name.size());
SetConfigBlock(UsernameBlockID, sizeof(block), AccessFlag::SystemWrite, &block);
SetConfigBlock(UsernameBlockID, sizeof(block), AccessFlag::SystemWrite, &block);
@ -806,7 +638,7 @@ std::u16string Module::GetUsername() {
// the username string in the block isn't null-terminated,
// the username string in the block isn't null-terminated,
// so we need to find the end manually.
// so we need to find the end manually.
std::u16string username(block.username, std::size(block.username));
std::u16string username(block.username.data(), std::size(block.username));
const std::size_t pos = username.find(u'\0');
const std::size_t pos = username.find(u'\0');
if (pos != std::u16string::npos)
if (pos != std::u16string::npos)
@ -920,8 +752,7 @@ EULAVersion Module::GetEULAVersion() {
void Module::SetEULAVersion(const EULAVersion& version) {
void Module::SetEULAVersion(const EULAVersion& version) {
u32_le data = version.minor + (version.major << 8);
SetConfigBlock(EULAVersionBlockID, sizeof(version), AccessFlag::Global, &version);
SetConfigBlock(EULAVersionBlockID, sizeof(data), AccessFlag::Global, &data);
void Module::SetSystemSetupNeeded(bool setup_needed) {
void Module::SetSystemSetupNeeded(bool setup_needed) {
@ -22,6 +22,74 @@ class System;
namespace Service::CFG {
namespace Service::CFG {
enum ConfigBlockID {
ConfigSavegameVersionBlockID = 0x00000000, // Maybe?
RtcCompensationBlockID = 0x00010000,
AudioCalibrationBlockID = 0x00020000,
LeapYearCounterBlockID = 0x00030000,
UserTimeOffsetBlockID = 0x00030001,
SettingsTimeOffsetBlockID = 0x00030002,
TouchCalibrationBlockID = 0x00040000,
AnalogStickCalibrationBlockID = 0x00040001, // Maybe?
GyroscopeCalibrationBlockID = 0x00040002,
AccelerometerCalibrationBlockID = 0x00040003,
CStickCalibrationBlockID = 0x00040004,
ScreenFlickerCalibrationBlockID = 0x00050000,
BacklightControlsBlockID = 0x00050001,
BacklightPwmCalibrationBlockID = 0x00050002,
PowerSavingModeCalibrationBlockID = 0x00050003,
PowerSavingModeCalibrationLegacyBlockID = 0x00050004,
StereoCameraSettingsBlockID = 0x00050005,
_3dSwitchingDelayBlockID = 0x00050006,
Unknown_0x00050007 = 0x00050007,
PowerSavingModeExtraConfigBlockID = 0x00050008,
BacklightControlNew3dsBlockID = 0x00050009,
Unknown_0x00060000 = 0x00060000,
_3dFiltersBlockID = 0x00070000,
SoundOutputModeBlockID = 0x00070001,
MicrophoneEchoCancellationBlockID = 0x00070002,
WifiConfigurationSlot0BlockID = 0x00080000,
WifiConfigurationSlot1BlockID = 0x00080001,
WifiConfigurationSlot2BlockID = 0x00080002,
ConsoleUniqueID1BlockID = 0x00090000,
ConsoleUniqueID2BlockID = 0x00090001,
ConsoleUniqueID3BlockID = 0x00090002,
UsernameBlockID = 0x000A0000,
BirthdayBlockID = 0x000A0001,
LanguageBlockID = 0x000A0002,
CountryInfoBlockID = 0x000B0000,
CountryNameBlockID = 0x000B0001,
StateNameBlockID = 0x000B0002,
LatitudeLongitudeBlockID = 0x000B0003,
RestrictedPhotoExchangeBlockID = 0x000C0000,
CoppacsRestrictionBlockID = 0x000C0001,
ParentalRestrictionEmailBlockID = 0x000C0002,
EULAVersionBlockID = 0x000D0000,
Unknown_0x000E0000 = 0x000E0000,
DebugConfigurationBlockID = 0x000F0000,
Unknown_0x000F0001 = 0x000F0001,
Unknown_0x000F0003 = 0x000F0003,
ConsoleModelBlockID = 0x000F0004,
NetworkUpdatesEnabledBlockID = 0x000F0005,
XDeviceTokenBlockID = 0x000F0006,
TwlEulaInfoBlockID = 0x00100000,
TwlParentalRestrictionsBlockID = 0x00100001,
TwlCountryCodeBlockID = 0x00100002,
TwlMovableUniqueBlockIDBlockID = 0x00100003,
SystemSetupRequiredBlockID = 0x00110000,
LaunchMenuBlockID = 0x00110001,
VolumeSliderBoundsBlockID = 0x00120000,
DebugModeBlockID = 0x00130000,
ClockSequenceBlockID = 0x00150000,
Unknown_0x00150001 = 0x00150001,
NpnsUrlID = 0x00150002, // Maybe? 3dbrew documentation is weirdly written.
Unknown_0x00160000 = 0x00160000,
MiiverseAccessKeyBlockID = 0x00170000,
QtmInfraredLedRelatedBlockID = 0x00180000,
QtmCalibrationDataBlockID = 0x00180001,
Unknown_0x00190000 = 0x00190000,
enum SystemModel {
enum SystemModel {
@ -51,7 +119,50 @@ enum SoundOutputMode { SOUND_MONO = 0, SOUND_STEREO = 1, SOUND_SURROUND = 2 };
struct EULAVersion {
struct EULAVersion {
u8 minor;
u8 minor;
u8 major;
u8 major;
static_assert(sizeof(EULAVersion) == 4, "EULAVersion must be exactly 0x4 bytes");
struct UsernameBlock {
/// Exactly 20 bytes long, padded with zeros at the end if necessary
std::array<char16_t, 10> username;
u32 zero;
u32 ng_word;
static_assert(sizeof(UsernameBlock) == 0x1C, "UsernameBlock must be exactly 0x1C bytes");
struct BirthdayBlock {
u8 month; ///< The month of the birthday
u8 day; ///< The day of the birthday
static_assert(sizeof(BirthdayBlock) == 2, "BirthdayBlock must be exactly 2 bytes");
struct ConsoleModelInfo {
u8 model; ///< The console model (3DS, 2DS, etc)
std::array<u8, 3> unknown; ///< Unknown data
static_assert(sizeof(ConsoleModelInfo) == 4, "ConsoleModelInfo must be exactly 4 bytes");
struct ConsoleCountryInfo {
std::array<u8, 2> unknown; ///< Unknown data
u8 state_code; ///< The state or province code.
u8 country_code; ///< The country code of the console
static_assert(sizeof(ConsoleCountryInfo) == 4, "ConsoleCountryInfo must be exactly 4 bytes");
struct BacklightControls {
u8 power_saving_enabled; ///< Whether power saving mode is enabled.
u8 brightness_level; ///< The configured brightness level.
static_assert(sizeof(BacklightControls) == 2, "BacklightControls must be exactly 2 bytes");
struct New3dsBacklightControls {
std::array<u8, 4> unknown_1; ///< Unknown data
u8 auto_brightness_enabled; ///< Whether auto brightness is enabled.
std::array<u8, 3> unknown_2; ///< Unknown data
static_assert(sizeof(New3dsBacklightControls) == 8,
"New3dsBacklightControls must be exactly 8 bytes");
/// Access control flags for config blocks
/// Access control flags for config blocks
enum class AccessFlag : u16 {
enum class AccessFlag : u16 {
@ -65,75 +176,6 @@ enum class AccessFlag : u16 {
/// Block header in the config savedata file
struct SaveConfigBlockEntry {
u32 block_id; ///< The id of the current block
u32 offset_or_data; ///< This is the absolute offset to the block data if the size is greater
/// than 4 bytes, otherwise it contains the data itself
u16 size; ///< The size of the block
AccessFlag access_flags; ///< The access control flags of the block
static constexpr u16 C(const char code[2]) {
return code[0] | (code[1] << 8);
static const std::array<u16, 187> country_codes = {{
0, C("JP"), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 0-7
C("AI"), C("AG"), C("AR"), C("AW"), C("BS"), C("BB"), C("BZ"), C("BO"), // 8-15
C("BR"), C("VG"), C("CA"), C("KY"), C("CL"), C("CO"), C("CR"), C("DM"), // 16-23
C("DO"), C("EC"), C("SV"), C("GF"), C("GD"), C("GP"), C("GT"), C("GY"), // 24-31
C("HT"), C("HN"), C("JM"), C("MQ"), C("MX"), C("MS"), C("AN"), C("NI"), // 32-39
C("PA"), C("PY"), C("PE"), C("KN"), C("LC"), C("VC"), C("SR"), C("TT"), // 40-47
C("TC"), C("US"), C("UY"), C("VI"), C("VE"), 0, 0, 0, // 48-55
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 56-63
C("AL"), C("AU"), C("AT"), C("BE"), C("BA"), C("BW"), C("BG"), C("HR"), // 64-71
C("CY"), C("CZ"), C("DK"), C("EE"), C("FI"), C("FR"), C("DE"), C("GR"), // 72-79
C("HU"), C("IS"), C("IE"), C("IT"), C("LV"), C("LS"), C("LI"), C("LT"), // 80-87
C("LU"), C("MK"), C("MT"), C("ME"), C("MZ"), C("NA"), C("NL"), C("NZ"), // 88-95
C("NO"), C("PL"), C("PT"), C("RO"), C("RU"), C("RS"), C("SK"), C("SI"), // 96-103
C("ZA"), C("ES"), C("SZ"), C("SE"), C("CH"), C("TR"), C("GB"), C("ZM"), // 104-111
C("ZW"), C("AZ"), C("MR"), C("ML"), C("NE"), C("TD"), C("SD"), C("ER"), // 112-119
C("DJ"), C("SO"), C("AD"), C("GI"), C("GG"), C("IM"), C("JE"), C("MC"), // 120-127
C("TW"), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 128-135
C("KR"), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 136-143
C("HK"), C("MO"), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 144-151
C("ID"), C("SG"), C("TH"), C("PH"), C("MY"), 0, 0, 0, // 152-159
C("CN"), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 160-167
C("AE"), C("IN"), C("EG"), C("OM"), C("QA"), C("KW"), C("SA"), C("SY"), // 168-175
C("BH"), C("JO"), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 176-183
C("SM"), C("VA"), C("BM"), // 184-186
// Based on PKHeX's lists of subregions at
// https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/tree/master/PKHeX.Core/Resources/text/locale3DS/subregions
static const std::array<u8, 187> default_subregion = {{
0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 0-7
1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, // 8-15
2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, // 16-23
2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, // 24-31
2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, // 32-39
2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, // 40-47
1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, // 48-55
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 56-63
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 6, // 64-71
1, 2, 18, 1, 8, 2, 2, 2, // 72-79
2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, // 80-87
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, // 88-95
7, 2, 2, 2, 9, 1, 2, 1, // 96-103
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, // 104-111
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 112-119
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 120-127
2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 128-135
2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 136-143
1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 144-151
0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, // 152-159
2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 160-167
2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, // 168-175
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 176-183
1, 1, 1, // 184-186
class Module final {
class Module final {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
// Copyright 2023 Citra Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include "common/string_util.h"
#include "core/hle/service/cfg/cfg.h"
#include "core/hle/service/cfg/cfg_defaults.h"
namespace Service::CFG {
constexpr std::size_t NUM_LOCATION_NAMES = 0x10;
constexpr std::size_t LOCATION_NAME_SIZE = 0x40;
constexpr auto MakeLocationNames(std::u16string_view input) {
std::array<std::array<u16_le, LOCATION_NAME_SIZE>, NUM_LOCATION_NAMES> out{};
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < NUM_LOCATION_NAMES; ++i) {
std::copy(input.cbegin(), input.cend(), out[i].data());
return out;
constexpr u8 UNITED_STATES_COUNTRY_ID = 49;
constexpr u8 WASHINGTON_DC_STATE_ID = 2;
constexpr u64_le DEFAULT_USER_TIME_OFFSET = 0;
constexpr BacklightControls DEFAULT_BACKLIGHT_CONTROLS{0, 2};
* TODO(Subv): Find out what this actually is, these values fix some NaN uniforms in some games,
* for example Nintendo Zone
* Thanks Normmatt for providing this information
constexpr std::array<float, 8> DEFAULT_STEREO_CAMERA_SETTINGS = {
62.0f, 289.0f, 76.80000305175781f, 46.08000183105469f,
10.0f, 5.0f, 55.58000183105469f, 21.56999969482422f,
constexpr New3dsBacklightControls DEFAULT_NEW_3DS_BACKLIGHT_CONTROLS{{0, 0, 0, 0}, 0, {0, 0, 0}};
// NOTE: These two are placeholders. They are randomly generated elsewhere, rather than using fixed
// constants.
constexpr u64_le DEFAULT_CONSOLE_ID = 0;
constexpr UsernameBlock DEFAULT_USERNAME{{u"CITRA"}, 0, 0};
constexpr BirthdayBlock DEFAULT_BIRTHDAY{3, 25}; // March 25th, 2014
constexpr ConsoleCountryInfo DEFAULT_COUNTRY_INFO{
constexpr std::array<std::array<u16_le, LOCATION_NAME_SIZE>, NUM_LOCATION_NAMES>
DEFAULT_COUNTRY_NAMES = MakeLocationNames(u"United States");
constexpr std::array<std::array<u16_le, LOCATION_NAME_SIZE>, NUM_LOCATION_NAMES>
DEFAULT_STATE_NAMES = MakeLocationNames(u"Washington DC");
constexpr u32_le DEFAULT_LATITUDE_LONGITUDE = 0;
constexpr std::array<u8, 0xC0> DEFAULT_RESTRICTED_PHOTO_EXCHANGE_SETTINGS = {};
constexpr std::array<u8, 0x14> DEFAULT_COPPACS_RESTRICTION_SETTINGS = {};
constexpr std::array<u8, 0x200> DEFAULT_PARENTAL_RESTRICTION_EMAIL = {};
constexpr EULAVersion DEFAULT_EULA_VERSION{0x7F, 0x7F};
constexpr u8 DEFAULT_0x000E0000_DATA = 0;
constexpr ConsoleModelInfo DEFAULT_CONSOLE_MODEL{NEW_NINTENDO_3DS_XL, {0, 0, 0}};
constexpr std::array<u8, 0x28> DEFAULT_X_DEVICE_TOKEN = {};
constexpr u32_le DEFAULT_DEBUG_MODE_FLAG = 0;
constexpr u32_le DEFAULT_0x00160000_DATA = 0;
constexpr u32_le DEFAULT_MIIVERSE_ACCESS_KEY = 0;
static const std::unordered_map<ConfigBlockID, ConfigBlockDefaults> DEFAULT_CONFIG_BLOCKS = {
{AccessFlag::Global, &DEFAULT_CONSOLE_ID, sizeof(DEFAULT_CONSOLE_ID)}},
{AccessFlag::Global, &DEFAULT_CONSOLE_ID, sizeof(DEFAULT_CONSOLE_ID)}},
{UsernameBlockID, {AccessFlag::Global, &DEFAULT_USERNAME, sizeof(DEFAULT_USERNAME)}},
{BirthdayBlockID, {AccessFlag::Global, &DEFAULT_BIRTHDAY, sizeof(DEFAULT_BIRTHDAY)}},
{LanguageBlockID, {AccessFlag::Global, &DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, sizeof(DEFAULT_LANGUAGE)}},
{CountryInfoBlockID, {AccessFlag::Global, &DEFAULT_COUNTRY_INFO, sizeof(DEFAULT_COUNTRY_INFO)}},
{StateNameBlockID, {AccessFlag::Global, &DEFAULT_STATE_NAMES, sizeof(DEFAULT_STATE_NAMES)}},
{EULAVersionBlockID, {AccessFlag::Global, &DEFAULT_EULA_VERSION, sizeof(DEFAULT_EULA_VERSION)}},
{AccessFlag::Global, &DEFAULT_0x000E0000_DATA, sizeof(DEFAULT_0x000E0000_DATA)}},
{AccessFlag::Global, &DEFAULT_0x00160000_DATA, sizeof(DEFAULT_0x00160000_DATA)}},
const EULAVersion& GetDefaultEULAVersion() {
const std::unordered_map<ConfigBlockID, ConfigBlockDefaults>& GetDefaultConfigBlocks() {
bool HasDefaultConfigBlock(ConfigBlockID block_id) {
return DEFAULT_CONFIG_BLOCKS.contains(block_id);
const ConfigBlockDefaults& GetDefaultConfigBlock(ConfigBlockID block_id) {
return DEFAULT_CONFIG_BLOCKS.at(block_id);
} // namespace Service::CFG
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
// Copyright 2023 Citra Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#pragma once
#include <span>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "common/common_types.h"
#include "core/hle/service/cfg/cfg.h"
namespace Service::CFG {
/// The default parameters of a config block.
struct ConfigBlockDefaults {
AccessFlag access_flags;
std::span<const u8> data;
ConfigBlockDefaults(AccessFlag access_flags_, const void* data_, std::size_t size_)
: access_flags(access_flags_), data(reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(data_), size_) {}
/// Gets the default EULA version.
const EULAVersion& GetDefaultEULAVersion();
/// Retrieves a map of known config block IDs to their defaults.
const std::unordered_map<ConfigBlockID, ConfigBlockDefaults>& GetDefaultConfigBlocks();
/// Checks whether a particular config block has defaults defined.
bool HasDefaultConfigBlock(ConfigBlockID block_id);
/// Gets the defined defaults for a particular config block.
const ConfigBlockDefaults& GetDefaultConfigBlock(ConfigBlockID block_id);
} // namespace Service::CFG
Add table
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